Vorsite Cloud Services

Risks and Hidden Costs of Do it yourself (DIY)

Written by cloudservicesforbusiness | December 11, 2015

Risks and Hidden Costs of Do it yourself (DIY)

DIY cloud migrations, on average, include a typical 25 user project with 5 major phases, 200+ tasks, 40 hours of effort, and takes 2-6 weeks to complete.

  • Experience? How many cloud migrations have you done? With us you’ve got the experience of hundreds of migrations.
  • Quality? Can the organization migrate all of the data, settings, and personalization items as we can? Compare to our high quality migration.
  • Employee Cost? What's the cost of lost productivity from employees due to Outlook configuration, missing data or downtime? Average employee's value is $100/hr. Downtime could be hours resulting in thousands of dollars of lost productivity.
  • IT Cost? 40 hours per 50 seats plus 8 hours end-user support, if you know what you're doing. At least double that if you don't.

Risk Tolerance? How much downtime can you afford to take? What's the impact of lost data and lost productivity? What are the expectations of the company, of the leadership team? We've seen hundreds of things that can go wrong on the source side, across the DNS system, and with Office 365. Can you afford the risk of a low quality migration, or migration with downtime and/or issues?

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