Vorsite Cloud Services

Don’t Be Afraid of Data Migration (Especially With Microsoft 365)

Written by Diane Gallagher | May 27, 2022

The benefits of utilizing a hybrid workspace option are exceptional. Still, many organizations can’t figure out the details of having staff scattered across multiple locations. While the logistics of where your employees will work may feel easy, figuring out how everyone can have access to systems and necessary data can feel downright daunting.

Maybe you’re ready to move to a hybrid workspace model, but you are unsure how you’ll handle information management during the transition. Your IT department may be wary, and with cybersecurity more crucial than ever, the risks of getting things wrong can outweigh the benefits of changing the way you do business.

Data migration doesn’t have to be such an intimidating concept. And you don’t even have to jeopardize your cyber security, especially if you use Microsoft 365.

As a Managed Service Provider for Microsoft Office 365, we’ve been helping businesses utilize everything that Office 365 offers, including its security features. Our experience with data security, migration, and as a cloud solution provider means that we know exactly what you need to do to securely switch to a hybrid workspace model.

If you’re still on the fence about dealing with data migration for a hybrid workspace, you can rest assured that it’s not as difficult as it might seem. Here are four simple steps to help your IT team get started.

Data Management Is Manageable With Planning 

Change can seem overwhelming, but if you’re planning to switch to a hybrid workspace, you need to plan ahead to ensure that your data is secure and easily accessible for all employees. You and your IT team can start the transition right now with four manageable action items.

1. Move Files Into Microsoft 365

Moving your files into Microsoft 365 will make it easier for every employee to access what they need from any location. It will also allow you to take advantage of Microsoft’s suite of cyber security tools. 

This step needs to be handled carefully so that you don’t inadvertently expose any sensitive or secure information. Plan your site security and setup before you move your first file so you can be confident that your data is safe and only the people you want to have access to it can.

SharePoint and Microsoft’s OneDrive are great tools for migrating data to the cloud. In many cases, it’s simply a matter of clicking and dragging files to the desired location. Your IT team may already use these tools, but if you aren’t sure about the features, we can help.

2. Inventory Your Assets And Their Locations

You need to know what data you actually have if you want to utilize it securely and properly. Businesses collect a lot more information than most people realize, and all that data needs to be accounted for when it’s time to move it to the cloud. 

Years ago, this process would have been a tedious, lengthy process. But with the help of tools like Microsoft’s AI, you can set your search parameters and find out what you have so you’ll know how to treat that information. This is especially useful when dealing with files that may have sensitive information such as social security numbers, employee information, or banking details.

Once you have taken inventory of your data, you can decide exactly what needs to be prioritized for access by your employees (and what needs to be kept private).

3. Categorize And Label Your Assets

One of the simplest but most important things you can do is categorize and label your digital assets appropriately. Not only will this help the actual humans who might be searching for data in your inventory, but the AI systems also need clear and appropriate categorization labels to find what you’re searching for.

When it comes to labeling and categorizing, simple is better. Try to focus on identifying anything that is sensitive, confidential, and especially anything that relates to compliance in your business. This will help you find the information you need quickly if you ever have any problems.

 4. Establish Policies

Establishing policies is another crucial step in moving to a hybrid workspace model. Not every employee needs access to every piece of data your business owns. Which data will your employees be able to access? How about vendors? What will clients need?

Data management done right means that your data works for you, keeps your employees and customers safe, and makes it easier to run your business. Establishing these policies early will make things easier for you as you continue to transition your team to a hybrid workspace.

Data Management Doesn’t Have To Be Scary

Today’s businesses face many challenges when it comes to maintaining data. Cyber security is more important than ever, but hybrid workspaces make a great deal of sense for many businesses. 

If data management in this type of situation feels too daunting to you, you’re not alone. And you don’t have to tackle migrating your company’s essential data to the cloud alone. 

Contact us today to schedule a chat with one of our experts. We’ve been helping businesses with data migration and security for years, and we’d love to help make the process easier for you and your business.