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Rumors of Microsoft Paint’s death have been wildly exaggerated. Recently, Microsoft announced the end of an era with the decision to remove paint...

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Trouble continues to brew where the IoT (Internet of Things) is concerned. Recently, the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), which is a division...

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File this report away under “how not to respond to a data breach.” Yes, it has happened again, and this time, to the financial giant, Dow Jones &...

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It’s finally happening, and we now have a firm timeframe. Adobe just announced that as of 2020, they will no longer be supporting their beleaguered...

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Are you a fan of wrestling? Have you signed up to the WWE’s website or any of their newsletters? If so, at least some of your information may have...

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It just may be the ultimate hack: stealing passwords from your brainwaves. It’s something that has moved beyond the realm of science fiction and into...

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If you used the travel site Saber for booking hotels between August of 2016 and March of 2017, be advised that your data was likely stolen by...

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Researchers from McAfee’s mobile division have discovered a strain of ransomware called “LeakerLocker” on two apps that slipped through Google’s...

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There’s a new piece of malware to worry about called “Neutrino,” and it represents an especially troubling development. It’s a fork of an older,...

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If you thought we’d seen the last of the Wannacry ransomware, think again. Recently, a new threat has been discovered that targets Linux users. It...

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